Gender Equality and Development – Overview

Based on the contents of the 2012 World Development Report (WDR) on Gender Equality and Development, and designed to meet the need for "just-in-time" learning and accommodate professional and day-to-day lives.


Sustainable Development Goals
Leave no one behind
Gender equality
Gender equality
gender equality

About this course

The course explores the importance of gender equality for development; highlights the progress that countries have made in reducing gender gaps; discusses the gaps that still persist; explores the areas of progress and constraints for gender equality; and describes priorities for domestic policy actions and the role of the international community in further reducing gender gaps.

Target audience

This course targets multiple stakeholders in client countries, including policy makers, practitioners, and civil society organizations

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

Identify the characteristics and development impacts of greater gender equality. Explain and articulate the main gender gaps that have been closed, and the challenges that still persist. Understand the causes of progress and the existing constraints to gender equality. Suggest and present ways to reduce gender gaps. Offer examples of domestic policies that are effective in reducing gender inequality. Identify and recommend effective means of international support for gender equality.

Offered by

World Bank Group

World Bank Group – Open Learning Campus